Monday, 1 August 2011

Exemption from MCQ

Here is the amendment to the QLTS Regulations which grants exemption from the MCQ for applicants who have passed the Legal Practice Course. Applicants who have passed the Graduate Diploma in Law are not eligible for this exemeption. hmmmm:(((


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for creating the blog, it's very useful. I plan to start writing the QLTS from next year. One of the requirements for application is the 'Certificate of good standing' and I believe that I need to obtain it from my jurisdiction/Law Society. Do you know the details of what it contains? Is it a standard document that can be obtained from any jurisdiction? Thanks in anticipation of your response. Dami

    1. hi there,
      for a certificate of good standing to be accepted by the SRA, you need the following details to be put into it:
      Your certificate of good standing should state:
       Your date of admission
       Whether you are of good character and repute
       Whether there have been any proceedings, or whether there are any
      proceedings pending against you for any professional or other
       Whether or not you are currently entitled to practise, and if not the
      reason for this.
      hope this helps..

  2. Hi there,
    THANK GOD I found someone with same deal! I want to give QLTS as well, but I have no idea about their tests and all. Thanks for the blog, its really helpful. Tell me If I wanna ask you something about it where can I reach you?

  3. lextoast.blogspot.com30 September 2011 at 04:10

    Hi guys,
    I am also writing a blog about the QLTS. I dedicated a whole entry to the certificate of good standing. Check this out:

    1. Please let me know how to apply for it. I don't leave in Spain and I am currently not registered in any Colegio de Abogados

  4. Great to find a community of like minded people. This is a great resource. Thanks a lot for your effort. You surely will reap in greatness. How can I get in touch with you I need to ask some questions re text books topics etc. Please let me know. Waju

  5. Hi, do you think it is necessary to register the course? Amazon seems not having any second-hand book for sale.. In addition, do you think cracking the coursebook is more important than practising mock questions? thanks.

  6. Hi there QLTS Blogger - haven't seen you on here for a while? Are you prepping for the OSCE and TLST ? If so would be great to find out how you are getting on. There seems to be so little material on the web regarding this assessment.....
